October 20, 2021
Worked on a subscription service website recently that had specific weekly cutoffs for ordering in order to have ordering available for the following week.
JS countdown function to Thursday at midnight (0 hour):
function update(){
// Get current date and time
var today = new Date();
// Get number of days to Friday
var dayNum = today.getDay();
var daysToThur = 4 - (dayNum < 4? dayNum : dayNum - 7); // adjust weekday here
// Get milliseconds to noon friday
var thursStart = new Date(+today);
thursStart.setDate(thursStart.getDate() + daysToThur);
// Round up ms remaining so seconds remaining matches clock
var ms = Math.ceil((thursStart - today)/1000)*1000;
var d = ms / 8.64e7 | 0;
var h = (ms % 8.64e7) / 3.6e6 | 0;
var m = (ms % 3.6e6) / 6e4 | 0;
var s = (ms % 6e4) / 1e3 | 0;
// Return remaining
return '<div class="time"><span>'+ d + '</span><span>Days</span></div><div class="time"><span>' + h + '</span><span>Hours</span></div><div class="time"><span>' + m + '</span><span>Minutes</span></div>';
// seconds excluded:
// <div class="time"><span>' + s + '</span><span>Seconds</span></div>
// Run update just after next full second
function runUpdate() {
var el = document.getElementById('weekly-counter');
el.innerHTML = update();
setTimeout(runUpdate, 1020 - (Date.now()%1000));
<div class="weekly-counter">
<p>Order in time for next week's delivery!</p>
<div id="weekly-counter"></div>
Show Alternate Message on Specific Weekdays:
<?php $today = date('N'); ?>
<?php if ($today == 4 || $today == 5 || $today == 6) { // Thursday, Friday, Saturday ?>
<p><?php the_field('delivery_cutoff_message','option'); ?></p>
<?php } ?>
/* weekly countdown clock */
.weekly-counter {
position: fixed;
bottom: 1em;
right: 5%;
background: #E3AB43;
color: #330F22;
padding: 1em;
text-align: center;
.weekly-counter p {margin: 0 0 .15em;}
.weekly-counter .time {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
width: 23%;
.weekly-counter .time span {
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1;
font-size: 12px;
text-transform: uppercase;
.weekly-counter .time span:first-child {
font-size: 2.5em;
Front end: